Anti-Skid Coating

Anti-Skid Coating Anti-Skid Coating We at Sterling Machine were asked to look at a problem a Steel Mill was having with their Forming Rolls, when first redressed or machined. Redressing the forming rolls leaves a smooth slippery surface which was causing the hot...

Babbitt Bearing Repair

Babbitt Bearing Repair Babbitt Bearing Repair Sterling Machines Metalizing Technology allows the ability to build up Babbitt Bearing surfaces, with the insurance of no inclusions or pockets which are typically formed by molten mold pouring procedures. Lower costs are...

Steel Mill Roller

Steel Mill Roller Steel Mill Roller These hard faced rolls were once gouged due to bearing failure and were thrown out at a high cost of replacement. We at Sterling Machine are able to take the original hard coating off, redress the roll and reapply the hard facing to...

Babbit Bearing

Babbit Bearing Babbit Bearing Sterling Machines Metalizing Technology allows the ability to build up Babbitt Bearing surfaces with the insurance of no inclusions or pockets which are typically formed by molten mold pouring procedures. Lower costs are achieved in the...

Boring Mill

Boring Mill Boring Mill In finding solutions to industrial problems, a machine shop is a good tool to have. Sterling Machine Works covers a full spectrum of machine shop capabilities. One of our focus areas is Gear Manufacturing. Spur, Helical, Worm Gearing are some...